2017: The Year that God Redeemed

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Looking back it is easy to say that 2017 was a hard year. There was a lot of pain and uncertainty. It is easy to focus on the sad things that happened. And while I look forward to 2018 I will forever think of 2017 as the year that God Redeemed.

Hope does not disappoint

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I have cried out to God so many times and He has heard me. 
The answer was to trust in Him. 
I have not trusted Him nearly enough but thankfully my amount of trust doesn’t dictate His amount of faithfulness. 

What I Always Thought I Would Be

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When I was little I was never one to dream of being a teacher, a nurse, or an astronaut. I only dreamed of being a mom. In High school I knew I wanted to be a wife and mother. I went to culinary school because I love to cook but I knew I didn’t want […]

Every Boy Needs A Sidekick

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One day we were in the car and Mac (3 1/2 years old) asked me where our baby was. I told him that the expectant mom decided to have the baby stay with her. We had talked about this before a couple of times but this time he seemed to understand it more. His response was very surprising. He said we just have to wait for God to give us a baby. 

The Certainty of God’s Plan

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I’m not going to lie. The past 2 weeks haven’t been easy. The expectant mom delivered her baby and decided not to place him for adoption and is choosing to parent him. When I was first told this news I felt like I was being suffocated. It took me at least 2 days to get […]

I Love You To Pieces, Sweet Boy!

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We are excited to announce that the baby we are expecting via adoption is a baby boy! We can’t wait to cuddle him and wear him in our amazing LÍLLÉbaby Complete carriers. The LÍLLÉbaby Complete is the only carrier you will need and the Embossed is comfortable, lightweight and supportive enough to last you from infancy to […]