I have worn MacMillan in a LÃllébaby soft structured carrier since he was 4 days old. I loved wearing him as a baby. So much easier than carrying a heavy infant car seat around. He grew from a baby into a toddler so fast. By the time he was 9 months old he was 24 1/2 lbs and 32 inches tall. He was still a baby inside but a very big boy. His growth did not slow down as most people claimed it would. He is definitely our baby giant.
The other factor in my choice to wear my toddler is the fact that I see a chiropractor for my Trigeminal Neuralgia, a chronic nerve condition which causes excruciating pain. When I am out of alignment my nerve pain comes back with a vengeance. When I carry MacMillan in my arms it throws me out of alignment. Thankfully wearing helps me continue to carry my boy without having to worry about that pain.
My son is a sweet mama’s boy but also very curious. Since he is a head taller than most kids his age (currently 39″, 41lbs), he is able to get into things that most 2 year olds wouldn’t be able to. He can reach in the back of shopping carts while seated, open drawers, turn on sinks, and turn off lights. He loves to run and hates to hold hands. All of these factors contribute to a need to wear him in some situations for my sanity. Then the other moments are those when he says “Mommy hold you me”. He wants me to hold him and he doesn’t understand why I can’t so my LÃllébaby CarryOn allows me to do it.Â
 We are huge baseball fans, specifically the Tampa Bay Rays. Baby wearing and now toddler wearing has been the key to be able to let our son experience it with us. Baseball parks are not stroller friendly with lots of stairs. MacMillan took many naps during games while I was wearing him and we can walk around and explore without worrying he will run off.
My other favorite place to wear MacMillan is at theme parks. Since I don’t have to carry as many things for him anymore I hate having to use a stroller. He doesn’t like to ride in it and it makes it easier for us to ride the train without having to fold it up or leave it somewhere. I carry him on my back until we get to a main exhibit. He runs around looks at animals and when he wants to be carried he gets in what he calls his “back back”. We have so much fun and I don’t have to lift him up to let him see the elephants because he is up on my back.
Tonight I had to take him to the walk in clinic to get medicine for conjunctivitis. He was cranky and did not want to go to the doctor. We had to park far away from the clinic as there is not much parking and a restaurant next door. I am so happy that we had our LÃllébaby CarryOn to help me manage a toddler in a waiting room. We were both tired. It saved me from chasing him and from having to hold him in my arms. I rarely wear him on the front but tonight I did.
Once we got into see the doctor I let him down to weigh him. I asked him if he could sit on the table to which he cried. So back up he went. We got his temperature taken and his exam done by the doctor all in the CarryOn. Seriously a life saver tonight. He was so happy to be done. He said “Bye Doctor Lady. Mommy, hold you me” #MyLILLELife