Trip to Atlanta

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I just got back today from my trip to Atlanta and it was great! My dad and I went to the Operation Christmas Child Processing Center in Atlanta, GA to work for 2 days. I wish we could stay longer but it is so hard to be gone for a long time in December. This is the third time I have gone to the processing center and every year I love it more. I am already trying to think how I will manage to go when we have a baby. But the Lord will make it possible if it is in His will.

I love baseball, specifically the Tampa Bay Rays. So when I saw that a DJ Kitty puppet was in a box that I was inspecting I was very happy. That really made my day. I sent out a tweet to DJ Kitty on Twitter and he in turn retweeted it to all his followers, which are almost 3000 people!  That was a great blessing and hopefully more people learned about Operation Christmas Child because of it. We took a break for lunch and then went back to get assigned to a station to work.  I was able to tell the people that I was working with about how easy it is to pack so many boxes during the year. Some people said they might try to pack more and I told them how I was going to blog about it all year. It was fun to share with them how we found the good deals to maximize our money and make more shoe boxes.

You can clearly see how excited I was to get to process my own boxes!

While I was talking to them about these deals I was describing our boxes and then right in front of me they appeared! A whole carton of the boxes Amanda and I packed came to our station. I cannot even describe how happy that made me. I always thought it would be cool if I could get to process my own boxes. The ladies working with me couldn’t believe these were my boxes. We told my dad who was right next to me placing boxes into to cartons to ship and the staff member who was nearby. This might not seem like a big deal but if you saw how many boxes come into the processing center you would understand. Later I found out that 1.3 MILLION boxes would be processed in the Atlanta center. How amazing that I got to a station where a carton of my boxes were. As I was taping up my boxes and putting them in the cartons to be shipped off to Ghana or The Republic of Georgia it occurred to me that I had now taken every step with these boxes short of handing them to the children myself. What a blessing that would be to do one day.

Again I encourage you to take part in Operation Christmas Child. A simple gift can bring such hope and joy to a child who may have never been able to experience either. You can still participate this year by going to the Samaritan’s Purse website and building a box online. You can donate online to shipping costs too. Another great option is giving gifts from their Christmas Gift Catalog to help in their relief efforts here in the U.S.A. and around the world.

I am so excited for our 200 Boxes project for next year. Keep following my blog to see how it all comes together throughout the year. Here are some other pictures from our trip to the processing center.

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