The Day is Yours

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Yours is the DayBesides marrying my husband Jason, nothing has made me happier in this life than the coming of our Little One. Also nothing has made me feel more anxious.

Daily, I battle with the feelings of uncertainty that are a reality of domestic adoption. Things have been going really well so far, yet nothing is settled until after he is born. Our agency does a great job of counseling the birth mothers before they pick a family. I am confident and trusting God that our Little One will come home to us. Yet everyday I have to take these feelings and place them in God’s hands.

Today, as I was reading the Psalms, I was reminded again of the power that God has over all things. In this passage the psalmist is asking God to save the land of Israel yet the words in these verses are speaking to me where I am right now.

Psalm 74:16-17  The day is yours, and yours also the night; you established the sun and moon.  It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth;  you made both summer and winter.

We will never be able to fully comprehend the power of God and too often we forget that our abilities are nothing to His. So today like everyday before it I will admit that I cannot control what is going on and that I must trust in Him. Because I know He has a plan for us and our Little One.

Psalm 94:19 When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. 


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