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Dictionary.com defines Risk as : exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance. As we finish up our home study paper work it is one of main things they want you to understand. In the At Risk Statement, that we have to sign, they outline the financial, emotional and physical risk that is associated with domestic infant adoption.

We did our research way before this paper was passed on to us and what is in this document is not new to us. Here are the bullet points :

    – There is no way to guarantee that the child you receive will be 100% healthy. The birth mother may say that she didn’t drink or do drugs but there is no way to know for sure. They might not even divulge their family medical history or give incorrect information.

   – If the birth parents change their mind before the consent is signed at the hospital you may lose any money given to help support them during the process. They have up to 1 year to contest the adoption although this takes quite a bit of money and documentation and requires them hiring an attorney.

Some people might think we are taking a huge risk. However most people don’t comprehend how much they risk when they decide to try to get pregnant. Pregnancy is very risky. Your body has another life depending on it. Everything you take in physically and emotionally effects your child. There is no guarantee you will carry your child to full term. Sounds pretty risky to me.

Do I wish I was the person taking that risk? Of course. But the risk the birth mother is taking is double. She is taking all the physical and emotional risks of pregnancy plus she is taking the ultimate risk. She is giving her child life and then giving them away. What an act of selflessness. I hope that all birth mothers know what respect we have for them. We are praying for the birth mother that chooses us, that she will know how much we will love our child and how we will teach them to have that respect for her.

Adoption is a risk for all parties. A risk worth taking.

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