I came across this product via Pinterest a couple months ago and was so excited to try them out. Unfortunately, they weren’t for sale yet. Well they finally became available at the beginning of this month via their website www.LittleGreenPouch.com. The current price for 4 pouches is $14.99. So each pouch cost you about $3.75. Considering the current price of food pouches at the grocery store ($1-3) and the fact that these are reusable, they are a great deal. So even before starting my test of the pouches, I was already satisfied with the price.
Food pouches are so convenient when you are on the go. No need for a spoon, although the Boon spoons do work with them and are available online or at Target. I like to have a pouch with me when I go shopping, just in case the nephews are hungry. Sometimes I even use them at lunch or as a snack during the day.  Now with the Little Green Pouch I can even make my own food if I want.
So for my first test I decided to make some apple sauce and some pears since I had some extra fruit laying around. I steamed the fruit and then pureed it in the food processor. I waited for it to cool and filled my pouches. I used some Ball Dissolvable labels I already had from canning but soon Little Green Pouch will be offering their own version. Filling the pouches was pretty easy. I used a spoon and had no problem. They do sell a small collapsible funnel which I am sure would make it very easy.
Next was the biggest test of all… do the nephews and niece like it. I will have to say after being used to the pouches with the spout on the top the 2 year old and 1 year old had to adjust a little but got the hang of it really well. Â The 9 month old hasn’t ever used a pouch before but I fed it to him by squeezing it in his mouth a little at a time. I would have preferred to use one of the Boon Spoons but I haven’t bought one yet. Â Overall they were a hit with the kids.
Cleaning was the next test and that was also very simple. I just used my bottle brush to clean the inside and let it dry in my dish rack. They state that they are dishwasher safe but really it takes very little time to wash them by hand.
My final review is that I LOVE the Little Green Pouch. The cost savings and the versatility to fill them with anything you want are at the top of my list. I like that the pouches can hold up to 6 oz. of food because often the 2 year old wants more after eating one standard 3-4 oz. pouch. Of course the other benefit is less waste for our land fills. If I was using these on a daily basis I would definitely invest in at least 8 pouches.
Let me know what you think …
 I was not paid by Little Green Pouch for this review nor did they provide me with any of the products. The opinions I expressed here are my own.Â
Very exciting. I will be trying this also. Asher loves pouch foods. And it is very easy. I already make food for Levi so it’ll be no extra work for me. Interesting. Thanks.
You don’t really have to even make your own food.You can buy apple sauce and put that inside which is still a lot cheaper than buying the regular pouches. I was thinking of buying apple sauce and blending other fruits with it.