Not far from my house is a goat farm. I drive by it at least a couple of times a week. The baby goats are so cute and I love to see them running around. The other day, as I drove by I saw an old goat ramming his head against the large phone pole that is on the outer edge of the field. He just stood there repeatedly hitting the same spot. As I watched him do this I smiled and wondered how many times I had done the same thing.
So often we try to solve our problems by doing the same thing over and over again. We try the same approach without any result. Sometimes we just need to step back and try to see the problem from another point of view. Most likely we need to trust God to help us. For when we are weak, He is strong.
When you see an immovable problem in your path, don’t beat your head against it, pray and trust God to help you find a way around it.