Adopt Together with Usborne Books

Posted · 24 Comments

As most of you know we were chosen by an expectant mom who wants to place her baby with us. We are hosting a couple different fundraisers to help pay for the adoption costs. We recently signed up with which is non-profit adoption crowdfunding website. All donations through this site are tax deductible and you don’t have to create an account in order to donate.

So to launch this donation platform we are offering you an opportunity to win $105 worth of books from Usborne Books and More for just a $5 donation to our Adopttogether profile. Make your donation on the website and comment with *Adopt Together with Usborne Books*. Then make sure you comment on this blog post saying that you made a donation so we can assign you your raffle ticket number(s).

The raffle will run from today 1/27/2017 until 2/12/2017 at 11:59pm

The winner will receive all the books pictured shipped to any address in the United States of America.

Thank you so much for all your support and as always your prayers are needed most of all.

24 Responses to "Adopt Together with Usborne Books"
  1. Holly Johnson says:

    Can’t think of a better cause!

  2. Lizabeth Ferguson says:

    Donated! I’m so glad to be part of your journey. Hope to do more in the coming weeks.

  3. Jessica Ward says:

    Just donated 🙂 I used my PayPal and it said it will have extra processing time. Also, I guess there’s a fee or whatever involved so you get less but I donated $10. We are low on cash but I had a little credit in my paypal! I’m so happy for y’all! I pray everything goes smoothly!

  4. Sandra says:


  5. Kirsten says:

    Done! Love this idea ❤️ I’ve been collecting books while we’re waiting on a little guy from Korea.

    • admin says:

      Thank you so much for your support! I hope you are able to go get your little guy soon.
      Your raffle tickets are #0013, 0014, 0015 and 0016

  6. Melissa Brewer says:

    I just submitted my donation!

  7. admin says:

    Raffle Tickets #0019-28 assigned to Kelli C.
    Raffle Tickets #0029-35 assigned to Paula C.

  8. admin says:

    Raffle Tickets #0036-39 assigned to Sarah S.

  9. admin says:

    Raffle Tickets #0040-49 assigned to Diane J

  10. admin says:

    Diane J was the winner!

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