Count your blessings. A simple statement but try doing it in the midst of depression or disappointment and it will change your mood. Frustrated or tired ? Sad or angry? Counting your blessings can be the easiest way to make your day better.
I am so blessed to have a loving and supportive husband in Jason. I cannot say enough about him. He is a good provider, a great friend, and definitely the best man for me. He is a spiritual leader and one day will be a great dad.
My family is the best. My parents are loving to us and deeply love each other. My Grandparents would do anything for our family. My brothers and sister in-laws are such good friends to us and so supportive during every turn life has taken us. My aunts and uncles are kind and generous. My cousins are some of my best friends.
Our friends are some of the best people around. Their care and support during our adoption process has made me a better person.
These are just a few blessings I have counted in the past couple days and just acknowledging them on paper or out loud has made each day better. I challenge you to count your blessings today, whether small or big they will help you realize how much you have to be grateful for even in the worst of situations.
Comment on this blog post with a blessing/blessings you have and I will pick a winner at random tomorrow at 9am EST to receive a $10 gift card to Starbucks/Target (your choice). Opportunity to receive two extra entries by sharing this blog post on Facebook  and by subscribing to the blog with your email (make a comment that you have done so).
James 1:17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.Â
I am blessed by sooooo many things! I have an amazing husband who is so motivated to finish school in order to provide for us and who is a wonderful father to our 3 incredible children. I have a great family that I feel very blessed to spend a lot of time with. They also double as built in baby sitters and chauffeurs for my children when needed. I am also able to say that I am blessed by having a job that I LOVE, which most people can not say. I have so many other blessings in my life that I can not name them all, but that is just some of the most important in a nutshell.
Such a positive idea Esther! It reminds me of a post on another blog I read recently. She was talking about how when she and her husband go to their marriage counselor, the counselor always makes her say three positive things about her husband first. Especially when she starts to gripe about all of her grievances, the counselor makes her stop and say three nice things about him before she can go on. Her point was that by the time she is done, the bad stuff she wanted to spew seems petty. This is sort of the same thing. Even when we want to focus on the negative, if we just stop and acknowledge our blessings, it can truly change our perspective sometimes. You know why I feel blessed these days – my little miracle. But I am also blessed with amazing friends and family, a great job and boss and my health!
I am blessed in many ways. I have love all around me, food to eat, good health, and a crazy cat. I am thankful everyday.
I shared on FB and I already get email updates for the blog. 😃
I am blessed to have a wonderful family and amazing friends. Today, my chiropractor visit was a blessing as my back is feeling much better!
i am blessed with family so close! im blessed that my sil watches my daughter and she will grow up with her cousins! blessed that i have a job i love and love the church and friends God has blessed me with!
Stephanie, you won the gift card! Let me know if you prefer Target or Starbucks and I will drop it in the mail to you! Thanks for reading and sharing my blog.
did the extras too!!:}
No need to enter me in the drawing. Just wanted you to know your words helped me today. I am blessed with my new best friend, my daughter. I am blessed with a husband that keeps us safe in house and home. I am blessed that my health is very nearly perfect. I am blessed to be alive for one more day which gives me another chance to be a little bit better than I was yesterday.
I am happy it helped you. I am blessed to call you my friend. After our little one arrives we are going to start making plans to come and see you.